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A current teacher at the Joso School for Comic-Book Artists, and also a former student, Francis started working in American comic-books both as a penciler (two issues of GI Joe: Frontline for Image / Devil’s Due) and an inker, in books like Batman: Gotham Knights (with Al Barrionuevo) for DC Comics, and The Resistance (with Juan Santacruz) for Wildstorm.


Later, he started penciling for Marvel, company he’s still working with these days, in titles like Araña: The heart of the Spider; Captain Universe: X-23; Heroes for Hire; a lengthy stint as artist in Black Panther, and also three issues of Wolverine: First Class.


The miniseries Supervillain Team-Up: MODOK’s 11 was his first collaboration with writer Fred Van Lente, and they worked together again in short stories like the Vulture one they did for Web of Spider-Man #5, and the Halo: Blood Line miniseries. For DC Comics, Francis has worked on books like Legion of Superheroes, Green Lantern, or Pandora.


Francis then moved to Valiant, company where he co-created the Faith miniseries, He also worked on books like Ivar: Timewalker; Generation Zero; Stalinverse: Archer & Armstrong, Ninjak #0 and many others.


Currently, Francis is working on (REDACTED) for (REDACTED). News soon!!! 


Rai and the History of the Valiant Universe; Ninjak #0; Stalinverse: Archer & Armstrong; Generation Zero; Ivar: Timewalker; Green Lantern; Trinity of Sin: Pandora; Batman & Robin 23.4: Killer Croc; Animal Man; LOSH; LOSV; R.E.B.E.L.S. (Coevrs); HALO: Blood Line; Wolverine: First Class; Black Panther; Super-Villain Team-Up; Heroes for Hire; Araña…

Ninjak vs The Valiant Universe #1-5 interconnected variant covers
Faith #2, cover
Bloodshot cover
X-O Manowar #37, cover
Ninjak #0, page 1
Ninjak #0, page 21
Divinity III Esc. from Gulag 396, p8
Rai - The history of the Valiant Universe p1
Rai - the history of the Valiant Universe p2
Rai - The History of the Valiant Universe p3

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